Leica is high quality equipment and it seldom breaks down. Still, this older precision equipment needs care occasionally, due to old dried lubricants an run out adjustments. A thorough check of all functions, possible repairs and necessary maintenance will obviously increase the value of your equipment (also if you are considering to sell it). All work will be carried out as a full general overhaul, also known as a CLA (Clean, Lubricate & Adjust).
Dirty/hazy finders, ‘dry’ running shutters, inaccurate shutter speeds, general dirt, dents, light leaks,etc. A full general overhaul (CLA) includes at least: removing dirt and old lubricants, greasing all moving parts with the corresponding, different lubricants, check/replacing light seals, cleaning finder, check general technical functions (speeds, shutter, finder, self timer, flash, etc.) and of course adjusting.
We can replace shutter curtains of both SM/LTM- and M-Leica’s.
Fungal affection (haze), play, badly running (focusing)helicoids, aperture handling, dented filter threads/lens hoods, etc.
Of course badly affected or scratched lens parts can’t be fixed. The result of the cleaning depends on the extent of the (fungal) affection, but normally a lens benefits from a good cleaning. And, more important: the process will be stopped.
A full general overhaul (CLA) includes at least: removing of possible haze/fungus, cleaning & sterilizing lens parts, removing dirt & old lubricants, greasing of the (focussing) helicoid, cleaning of the aperture system and of course adjusting.
The full general overhaul (CLA) as described above. During a CLA we can fit (by yourself supplied) Leitax adapters and correctly ‘declick’ the aperture system to prevent ‘creeping’.
We can service (the mechanical parts of) the digital Leica M: a CLA includes greasing & adjusting the shutter advance system, adjusting the manual speeds & automatic exposure mechanisms, cleaning & adjusting the viewfinder/rangefinder and sensor cleaning.
We can 6-bit code your (older) M-lenses (Leiz, Zeiss, Voigtländer) for the use on the digital Leica M. We can also modify lenses to bring up the right frame lines. We do not supply and fit a new bayonet; we mill the six needed slots in your existing bayonet and paint them (black/white) according the Leica coding list. If a lens is not on the Leica list (f.e. older Leica lenses, Zeiss, Voigtländer lenses), we code according to the Leica users forum list.
We sometimes come across Leica equipment in a ‘sad’ cosmetic state. In general, we can do a lot about that. We can do panel work, replace covering, touch up of lettering, replace red bayonett-dots on lenses, Replace film speed indicator tags, do extensive exterior clean ups, etc.
During a CLA we can place a polarization filter internally in the finder, this eliminates ‘flare’.
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2712 AD Zoetermeer
The Netherlands
+31 (0)79 316 33 39
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